
DBeaver 22.3.3 release, visual database management platform- News Fast Delivery

DBeaver is a free and open source general-purpose database tool for developers and database administrators. DBeaver 22.3.3 is released, the updates are as follows: SQL editor: Output log viewer now respects log levels and supports log search Fixed autocompletion for mixed-case pattern names Fixed result label count information Autocompletion of cell values ​​is now configurable […]

DBeaver 22.3.3 release, visual database management platform- News Fast Delivery Read More »

Starting from actual combat, let’s talk about cache database consistency-UPYUN-unstructured data cloud storage, cloud processing and cloud distribution platform- News Fast Delivery

In cloud services, caching is extremely important. The so-called cache is actually a high-speed data storage layer. When the cache exists, requesting the data again in the future will directly access the cache, improving the speed of data access. However, the data stored in the cache is usually short-lived, which requires frequent updates to the

Starting from actual combat, let’s talk about cache database consistency-UPYUN-unstructured data cloud storage, cloud processing and cloud distribution platform- News Fast Delivery Read More »

cozo: A high-performance, relational, embeddable, graph database that uses Datalog as a query language, and can also perform historical shuttle queries

Introduction [ 中文文档 | English ] Cozo is a transactional relational database: One Embeddable database; a use Datalog database as a query statement; a focus on Graph Data, Graph Algorithms database; one is available history shuttle query database; a support High performance and high concurrency database. What does “embeddable” mean? If a database can be

cozo: A high-performance, relational, embeddable, graph database that uses Datalog as a query language, and can also perform historical shuttle queries Read More »

DB-Engines Announces 2022 Annual Database, Snowflake Successfully Defends- News Fast Delivery

DB-Engines announced that Snowflake has successfully defended its title as “Database of the Year 2022”. DB-Engines is a world-renowned database popularity ranking website. The criteria for selecting the annual database are: calculate the year-on-year growth of the latest popularity score (January 2023) of the database, and the annual database will be the one with the

DB-Engines Announces 2022 Annual Database, Snowflake Successfully Defends- News Fast Delivery Read More »

redb homepage, documentation and downloads – Embedded key-value database in pure Rust – News Fast Delivery

redb is a simple,Portable, high-performance, ACID, embedded key-value storage. redb is written in pure Rust and is supported by lmdb some stored inan mmap’ed,copy-on-write B-trees in the collection.For details, seedesign document. use redb::{Database, Error, ReadableTable, TableDefinition}; const TABLE: TableDefinition<str, u64> = TableDefinition::new(“my_data”); fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let db = unsafe { Database::create(“my_db.redb”)?

redb homepage, documentation and downloads – Embedded key-value database in pure Rust – News Fast Delivery Read More »

OrientDB 3.2.14 released, multi-mode NoSQL database- News Fast Delivery

OrientDB 3.2.14 has been released. OrientDB is a deeply scalable document-graph database management system that combines the flexibility of document databases with the ability to manage linking graph databases. Modeless, full, or mixed modes are optional. Supports many advanced features such as ACID transactions, fast indexing, native and SQL query functions. Can import JSON format,

OrientDB 3.2.14 released, multi-mode NoSQL database- News Fast Delivery Read More »

An open-source database self-driving platform. Empower openGauss with AI capability.

Chinese | English Maintainer: openGauss AI-SIG As a part of the openGauss database, DBMind provides automatic driving capabilities for the openGauss database, and is a leading open source database autonomous operation and maintenance platform. With DBMind, you can easily discover database problems, and at the same time implement second-level root cause analysis of database problems.

An open-source database self-driving platform. Empower openGauss with AI capability. Read More »

CrateDB 5.1.2 Released, Distributed SQL Database – News Fast Delivery

CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze large amounts of machine data in real time. CrateDB offers the scalability and flexibility typically associated with NoSQL databases, and the smallest CrateDB clusters can easily ingest tens of thousands of records per second. These data can be queried in real

CrateDB 5.1.2 Released, Distributed SQL Database – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Gitee Recommended | Golang Relational Database Automatic Mapping Framework GoBatis

GoBatis is an automatic mapping framework for Golang relational databases. Refer to the sql tag analysis written by MyBatis. GoBatis only provides context data analysis and filling for mapper, and does not guarantee the syntax check of sql statements. #Gitee #Recommended #Golang #Relational #Database #Automatic #Mapping #Framework #GoBatis

Gitee Recommended | Golang Relational Database Automatic Mapping Framework GoBatis Read More »

After cloud native, what is the next direction of the database? – Personal space of News Fast Delivery editorial department- News Fast Delivery

At last year’s DevCon, Huang Dongxu, co-founder and CTO of PingCAP, put forward a conjecture: “The database itself will die as a software form, and the platformization and micro-service of the database will replace the original database software form.” Today, this conjecture It is being proven—almost all database vendors provide services on the cloud, and

After cloud native, what is the next direction of the database? – Personal space of News Fast Delivery editorial department- News Fast Delivery Read More »