OrientDB 3.2.14 has been released. OrientDB is a deeply scalable document-graph database management system that combines the flexibility of document databases with the ability to manage linking graph databases. Modeless, full, or mixed modes are optional. Supports many advanced features such as ACID transactions, fast indexing, native and SQL query functions. Can import JSON format, export documents.

This version is updated as follows:

  • Optimization of graph delete operation (issue #9821)
  • Fix remote deserialization for specific exceptions
  • Fix indexing logic for multi-page splits
  • Fixed index key size limit, now it fails with userinfo when key exceeds max size (10Kb)
  • Index write optimization
  • Optimization of write safety checks
  • Fix wrong oversize WAL records
  • Fix view locking logic to update views automatically
  • Fix view scheduling failure when the previous view refresh failed
  • Add support for embedded type indexes in views
  • Fixed script poll release issue

Update description: https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/releases/tag/3.2.14

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