Open source observability platform Grafana Labs announced today that they have acquired the company of the same name behind the Pyroscope open source continuous analytics project. Following the acquisition, Grafana plans to integrate Pyroscope with its Grafana Phlare continuous observational database, and the combined service will be renamed Grafana Pyroscope.

Pyroscope was founded in 2020 by Ryan Perry and Dmitry Filimonov. The project is supported by the well-known incubator Y Combinator and received seed round financing in 2021.

Pyroscope can collect data across a company’s infrastructure directly from the Linux kernel through its agents and using eBPF. Integrating Pyroscope and Phlare can accelerate plans to roll out continuous analytics in Grafana Cloud, which will make it easier to correlate analytics with metrics, logs, and traces. This also helps engineering teams gain a deeper understanding of their systems, quickly identify and resolve issues, and ultimately deliver better software faster.

Grafana considers continuous analysis to be the fourth pillar of observability after metrics, logs, and traces.

Tom Wilkie, CTO of Grafana Labs, said:

We appreciate the work done by the Pyroscope team, and the combination of Pyroscope, Phlare, and Grafana will really help bring continuous analytics to the masses. They’ve built an excellent community around Continuous Analytics, and we look forward to working with the team and community to advance analytics technology.

Pyroscope CEO Ryan Perry said:

As we built Pyroscope, we realized that Pyroscope’s Grafana plugin, and integration with the Grafana ecosystem, would play a key role in accelerating open source applications and supporting Pyroscope Cloud users. As we worked more closely with the Grafana and Phlare teams, we found that the two projects were more and more aligned, and merging them would be the best way to serve users.

At present, Pyroscope has 7.5k Stars on GitHub, and the subsequent code warehouses of Pyroscope and Grafana Phlare will also be merged into the Grafana Pyroscope project. Grafana Pyroscope is a new project, and it will take some time for the team to merge the code base and release the first version under the new project.

Neither party disclosed the amount of the acquisition.

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