JPress is an open-source WordPress-like CMS developed in Java that started in 2015.

So far, 100,000+ websites have been driven by JPress, including multiple government agencies, 200+ listed companies, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Red + Character Society, etc. Compared to WordPress,High security, high performance, localizationis our entry point. (Has been rated by Gitee: the most valuable open source project).

The v5.0.7 version starts to support JDK17, of course JDK8 ~ JDK17 can be chosen at will.

JPress v5.0.7 updates are as follows:

  • Optimization: Remove the cache configuration of findListByColumns and use the default configuration
  • Optimization: optimize the pom.xml of tomcat
  • Optimization: Upgrade JFinal and Jboot to the latest version to support jdk17
  • Fix: When the layer pops up, js error occurs

No matter how much you say, it is better to try it yourself.

Run through port 8080 with one click on Alibaba Cloud (Tencent Cloud)

wget && bash 8080

One-click operation through Docker-Compose

curl -O 
&& docker-compose up -d

Run through development tools such as Eclipse or Idea

  • 1. Install Java, Maven and other development environments locally
  • 2. Download the source code and import it into eclipse or idea
  • 3. In the projectRoot directory,implement mvn clean install command to compile
  • 4. In the development tool, right click to run starter/src/main/java/io.jpress.Starter under main() method
  • 5. Access via browser automatic installation

Enterprise Edition

In response to the higher security requirements and performance requirements of enterprises, we also launchedEnterprise EditionandUltimateplease visit JPress official website for details learn.


#JPress #CMS #v507 #released #began #support #jdk17 #News Fast Delivery

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