If the management system v4.7.5 has been released, the change log:

  • Excel supports sublist methods for exporting objects
  • Data tombstones are not uniquely validated
  • Optimized multi-role data permission matching rules
  • Add the main and sub-table submission verification example
  • Support custom hidden Excel property column
  • Excel annotation supports backgroundColor property to set background color
  • Refresh when the tab is switched when the menu configuration is refreshed
  • Increase the judgment of the result type of AjaxResult message
  • Added example (progress bar)
  • Added content encoding/decoding to facilitate plug-in integration
  • Upgrade jquery to the latest version 3.6.1
  • Upgrade layui to the latest version 2.7.5
  • Upgrade shiro to the latest version 1.9.1
  • Upgrade druid to the latest version 1.2.11
  • Upgrade pagehelper to the latest version 1.4.3
  • Upgrade oshi to the latest version 6.2.2
  • Fix the problem that the tree table onLoadSuccess does not take effect
  • Fix the problem that the user assigned role is greater than the default number of pages lost
  • Scheduled tasks support the execution of parent class methods
  • Automatic settings toggle multiple tree table instance configurations
  • Tab creation title takes precedence over the data-title attribute
  • The optimization task expires and does not execute scheduling
  • Optimize the activation menu style under the horizontal menu
  • After the optimization button opens the window, press Enter to repeatedly pop up
  • Optimize the excel/scale property to export the cell value type
  • Optimize the abnormal problem that occurs when druid opens the wall filter
  • Optimizing multiple identical role data leads to duplication of privilege SQL
  • Other details optimization

Ruoyi is a set of all open source rapid development platforms, which is free for individuals and enterprises to use without any reservation (free commercial use does not require authorization).

download link RuoYi

If you need a separate version, please go to RuoYi-Vue, if you need a microservice version, please go to RuoYi-Cloud

Built-in function

1. User management: The user is the system operator, and this function mainly completes the system user configuration.
2. Department management: configure the system organization (company, department, group), and the tree structure shows the support authority.
3. Position management: configure the positions that system users belong to.
4. Menu management: configure system menu, operation authority, button authority identification, etc.
5. Role management: Assign role menu permissions, set roles, and divide the data scope permissions according to the organization.
6. Dictionary management: maintain some relatively fixed data frequently used in the system.
7. Parameter management: Dynamically configure common parameters for the system.
8. Announcement: system notification announcement information release and maintenance.
9. Operation log: record and query the normal operation log of the system; record and query the system abnormal information.
10. Login log: The system login log record query contains login exceptions.
11. Online users: monitor the status of active users in the current system.
12. Scheduled tasks: Online (add, modify, delete) task scheduling includes execution result logs.
13. Code generation: front-end and back-end code generation (java, html, xml, sql) supports CRUD download.
14. System interface: automatically generate relevant api interface documents according to business codes.
15. Service monitoring: Monitor the current system CPU, memory, disk, stack and other related information.
16. Cache monitoring: Query, delete, and clear the cache of the system.
17. Online Builder: Drag form elements to generate corresponding HTML code.
18. Connection pool monitoring: monitor the current system database connection pool status, and analyze SQL to find out system performance bottlenecks.

System demo http://www.ruoyi.vip

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