The GitHub Trending page suddenly hung with a notice announcing “coming soon”:

Heads up!

This Trending tab is being deprecated. Due to low usage of Trending Repositories and Trending Developers, this tab will no longer be available beginning September 30, 2022. For questions and feedback, please visit GitHub Community.

The main message of the notice is that from September 30, 2022, the “GitHub Trending” page will be taken down due to low usage of Trending Repositories and Trending Developers.

GitHub Trending is used to display the most popular repositories and developers in the GitHub community for a certain period of time. Users can follow theDevelopment language,time limitandeveryday language of communicationto filter.

Many developers expressed their incomprehension and opposition to GitHub’s unpredictable decision. They did not agree with the so-called “low usage rate” statement, and GitHub officials did not disclose relevant data to support their decision.

Further reading

#Microsofts #Chopper #Department #handson #GitHub #Trending #delisted #News Fast Delivery

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