WechatMomentScreenshot is a tool for generating screenshots forwarded by Moments.

Notice:This tool can only be used forPersonally deal with all kinds of mandatory requirements to forward Momentsdo not use for:

  • Use the generated screenshots forRumors and slander, micro business propaganda, gray industryother illegal or objectionable purposes
  • Use various methods to generate large batches of screenshots
  • Sell ​​source code or generated screenshots for a fee
  • by “Follow ○○, send ○○ to get tool address” and other methods for their official accountdrainageor hide the link of this tool and the source code by “visible to follow”, “visible to log in”, “visible to reply” and so on


⚠️ Hall of Shame ⚠️

The following websites exist during the second deploymentErase the original author’s relevant information in the footer, or remove the link to this repo in the upper right corner, etc., which violate the above usage ruleslisted here to criticize.

This is not the place to drive traffic to these sites, so use (dot) replaced the link in the ..

  • h**ps://www(dot)41661(dot)com/ Removed the original author information and source code link. Currently, the screenshot generation function is closed on the grounds that “this tool is under development”, but in fact it does not Have submitted any code for this repository
  • h**ps://dz(dot)luyashe(dot)top/ Remove original author information
  • h**p://zan(dot)liflag(dot)cn/ “Liflag Network” Remove the original author information and source code link
  • h**ps://zxxgj(dot)net/tools/tuxiang/pyqjietu/ “Online Widget” Remove original author information and source code link
  • h**ps://oss(dot)361s(dot)cn/tool/pyq/ “Tianle Blog” Remove the original author information and source code link
  • h**p://www(dot)chwl2015(dot)cn/ Remove original author information and source code link
  • h**ps://www(dot)yeyulingfeng(dot)com/tools/zan/ “Yeyulingfeng” Remove the original author information and source code link
  • h**p://pyq(dot)cttuwen(dot)cn/ remove source code link
  • h**p://wxpyq(dot)ssltgm(dot)com/ “Sanshi Forum” Remove the original author information and source code link
  • h**ps://www(dot)dkewl(dot)com/code/detail2196.html “Dao Ke Source Code” Remove the original author information and source code link
  • h**ps://www(dot)chichisvip(dot)com/post/37497.html “Crazy Resource Network” sells source code for a fee
  • h**ps://mirror(dot)xyz/z22222.eth/2DBLOfyd05xlHqOdBD0-ZI1pejXp009838kLvrVSDv0 “Free DAO” in the introduction induces the generated screenshots to be sold for a fee and used for gray production, public account and private domain traffic drainage
  • h**p://www(dot)jikexq(dot)cc/pyq/ “Geek Planet/Cosmic Field Technology” Remove the original author information and source code link
  • h**p://xnw(dot)51tongxin(dot)cn/ Remove original author information and source code link
  • h**p://h5(dot)05zh(dot)com/erji/pyqdzsc/ “Library Box APP” Remove the original author information

#WechatMomentScreenshot #Homepage #Documentation #Downloads #Screenshot #Generation #Tool #Reposting #Moments #News Fast Delivery

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