JDK/Java 20 is officially GA.According to information disclosed by Oracleshow, in terms of the number of issues fixed for JDK 20, the top five manufacturers in the world are: Oracle, Red Hat, SAP, ARM and Tencent. Among them, in addition to Tencent, active domestic manufacturers include Alibaba, Huawei and Godson.

We thank the many experienced developers who review proposed changes, the early adopters who try early access builds and report issues, and the dedicated professionals who provide feedback on the OpenJDK mailing lists.

The announcement states,In Java 20, among the 2314 JIRA issues marked as fixed, 1595 were fixed by Oracle employees, and the remaining 719 were fixed by other individual developers and organizational developers in the Java community.

Oracle thanks developers from organizations like Alibaba, Amazon, ARM, Google, Huawei, IBM, Intel, ISCAS, Red Hat, SAP, and Tencent for their notable contributions, as well as independent developers from smaller organizations like Bellsoft, Loongson, etc. , they collectively contributed fixes to 7% of the issues in Java 20.

From Java 11 to Java 20 GA release, among the 21604 JIRA issues marked as fixed; Oracle employees fixed 15420, and the remaining 6184 were contributed by individual developers and developers of other organizations. Among them, the top five manufacturers in the number of repairs are:Oracle, Red Hat, SAP, Google, and Tencent.After examining the issue and collating the organization data from the assignee results, the following graph of the organization’s development contribution in Java can be drawn:

In addition, Oracle also specialThanks to developer Rick Hillegas and the Apache Derby team “for their solid and regular feedback over the years during the early access testing cycle of each JDK release”.

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