Ant Design Pro is an excellent, out-of-the-box, middle-end front-end solution officially launched by Ant Design, and React-Better-Admin also learns from Ant Design Pro, benchmarking Ant Design Pro, and creating “another set” Excellent, out-of-the-box, middle-end and front-end solutions.


  • 1. Based on TypeScript ????????????
  • 2. Based on the latest React 18 ????????????
  • 3. Based on the most popular design style Ant Design v5.x ????????
  • 4. Based on React Router v6.x for routing management, support lazy loading ????????
  • 5. Based on Vite4 as a project compilation and packaging tool????????
  • 6. State management based on Redux and Redux Toolkit????????
  • 7. Request management based on RTK Query????
  • 8. Perfect globalization Configuration support ????
  • 9. Perfect login authentication Configuration support ????
  • 10. Perfect Rights Management + Dynamic Menu Configuration support ????
  • 11. Perfect Mock data support
  • 12. Friendly code style and comments…
  • 13. Based on the MIT open source protocol, it is safe for commercial use and free forever????????????
  • 14. More little surprises…

Why not use Ant Design Pro directly and develop React-Better-Admin from scratch? Our team mainly believes that there are the following reasons:

  • 1. Ant Design Pro is developed based on Ali’s own Umi. Our team is not familiar with Umi, and Umi is not as popular as Redux, Vite4, and React Router (data not given).

  • 2. Umi itself includes code construction, testing, routing, state management and other capabilities. It is not only a packaging tool, but also a runtime dependency framework. From the perspective of user needs: Umi = Vite4 + React Router + Redux + RTK Query ( or Axios, etc.). However, in the React ecosystem, in addition to using React to build web products, we may also use React-Native to build app applications. In this regard: React Router and Redux are very supportive, while Umi does not seem to have much case.

  • 3. When we (including users) sell commercial products based on React-Better-Admin, the “technical architect” of the client company often has a great say. Looking at the entire Internet, using “React Router + Redux “There seems to be more architects than Umi.

But anyway, Ant Design Pro is very good and we try to live up to it.

app screenshot

log in page

job management

Get started with React-Better-Admin


git clone


cd react-better-admin
npm install


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