A few days ago we reported that Valve brought HDR support to Linux games. The HDR support brought by Valve for Linux games is limited to its Gamescope compositor. Unlike most compositors, Gamescope optimizes the vision of a single game window as much as possible. The effect is quite a thin wrapping of the game window. As a result, Gamescope’s HDR function currently only handles Linux full-screen games, and does not work for most other Linux desktop applications.

But after the efforts of V Agency, Red Hat, which is also committed to Linux desktop HDR support, couldn’t sit still. They planned to hold a Hackfest, bringing more than ten Linux kernel display/GPU stack engineers together, around the entire Linux desktop Discussions and work plans for HDR support.

The theme of this hackfest is how to integrate the support of advanced graphics functions such as HDR from the Gnome desktop into the entire Linux kernel, so as to provide Linux desktop end users with modern display functions such as HDR out of the box.

GNOME Wiki shows that the main goal of this hackfest is to plan the direction and specific work in the field of Linux desktop graphics in the next 1-2 years, such as how to provide HDR, VRR and other new GPU and graphics technologies to End users of Linux desktops. The second main goal is to discuss, plan and agree on how to improve the KMS and Wayland APIs to better meet the userspace needs of these technologies, especially HDR.

Red Hat will provide 9 developer resources to participate in this Linux desktop graphics hackfest. In addition, companies such as NVidia, AMD, Canonical, Collabora, Endless and Igalia will send developers in the field of Linux graphics to participate in this event. At least 19 developers are planned to be involved in improving HDR on Linux, but there will only be more developers involved, because Valve developer resources such as Simon Ser and Joshua Ashton did not come.

This hackfest lasts for two days, and Red Hat will sponsor the venue of the conference and the accommodation and transportation expenses of the participants. The meeting is currently in the proposal stage, awaiting budget approval from Red Hat, and responses from meeting participants.

#Red #Hat #Plans #Hackfest #Advance #Linux #Desktop #HDR #Support

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