If the version is separated according to the front and back ends v3.8.5 has been released, changelog:

  • Characters that violate the timing task
  • Deselect department on reset
  • Added return warning message prompt
  • Ignore unnecessary attribute data returns
  • Remove the previous cache configuration when modifying the parameter key name
  • Verify data permissions before importing and updating user data
  • Compatible with the problem that the Excel drop-down box contains too much content and cannot be displayed
  • Upgrade echarts to the latest version 5.4.0
  • Upgrade core-js to the latest version 3.25.3
  • Upgrade oshi to the latest version 6.4.0
  • Upgrade kaptcha to the latest version 2.3.3
  • Upgrade druid to the latest version 1.2.15
  • Upgrade fastjson to the latest version 2.0.20
  • Upgrade pagehelper to the latest version 1.4.6
  • Optimize the problem of too much pop-up content and incomplete display
  • Optimize swagger-ui static resource usage cache
  • Turn on TopNav without submenu and hide the sidebar
  • Remove fuse invalid option maxPatternLength
  • Optimizing the export object’s sublist is empty will appear[]question
  • Optimize the problem that the transparent part will turn black when editing the avatar
  • Optimized the problem of dislocation of the layout of the avatar modification interface on small screens
  • Fix the problem that the code generation check attribute is invalid
  • Fix file upload component format validation issues
  • Fix the abnormal problem of echo data dictionary array
  • Fix the problem that the sheet exceeds the maximum number of rows
  • Fix the problem that the parameters of the Log annotation GET request cannot be recorded
  • Fix the problem that the scheduling log data does not change after multiple clicks
  • Fix the problem that the theme color will not be loaded in the Drawer component
  • Fix the problem that files whose file names contain special characters cannot be downloaded
  • Fix the problem that the theme color switching of more buttons in the table does not take effect
  • Fix the problem of garbled TXT files in the environment generated code of some features
  • Fix the problem that the required field cannot be verified when the code generates pictures/files/single selection
  • Fix the problem that roles and departments cannot be modified in the user edit dialog box for some properties
  • Optimization of other details

Zoyi is a set of rapid development platform that is fully open source, and it is free for individuals and enterprises to use without reservation.

  • The front end adopts Vue and Element UI.
  • The backend uses Spring Boot, Spring Security, Redis & Jwt.
  • Authorization authentication uses Jwt, which supports multi-terminal authentication system.
  • Support loading dynamic permission menu, easy permission control in multiple ways.
  • High-efficiency development, use the code generator to generate front-end and back-end codes with one click.
  • A technology stack (Vue3 Element Plus Vite) version is provided RuoYi-Vue3, keep updated.

download link RuoYi-Vue

If you need not to separate the application, please move to RuoYi (保持同步更新)if you need other versions, please move to Project extension (不定时更新)

built-in function

  1. User management: The user is the system operator, and this function mainly completes the system user configuration.
  2. Department management: Configure the system organization (company, department, group), and the tree structure shows the support data permissions.
  3. Position management: configure the positions that system users belong to.
  4. Menu management: configure the system menu, operation authority, button authority identification, etc.
  5. Role management: role menu authority assignment, role setting, data range authority division by organization.
  6. Dictionary management: maintain some relatively fixed data frequently used in the system.
  7. Parameter management: dynamically configure common parameters for the system.
  8. Notification Announcement: The system notifies and announces the release and maintenance of information.
  9. Operation log: system normal operation log record and query; system abnormal information log record and query.
  10. Login Logs: System login logging queries contain login exceptions.
  11. Online users: monitor the status of active users in the current system.
  12. Scheduled tasks: Online (add, modify, delete) task scheduling includes execution result logs.
  13. Code generation: The generation of front-end and back-end codes (java, html, xml, sql) supports CRUD download.
  14. System interface: automatically generate relevant api interface documents according to the business code.
  15. Service monitoring: monitor the current system CPU, memory, disk, stack and other related information.
  16. Cache monitoring: query system cache information, command statistics, etc.
  17. Online Builder: Drag form elements to generate corresponding HTML code.
  18. Connection pool monitoring: monitor the current system database connection pool status, and analyze SQL to find out system performance bottlenecks.

online experience

Demo address: http://vue.ruoyi.vip

Document address: http://doc.ruoyi.vip


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