DataGear 4.3.0 is released, which enhances the functions of charts and dashboards. The specific updates are as follows:

  • Added: The dg-dashboard-auto-render attribute is added to the kanban template, which is used to control whether the kanban is automatically rendered;
  • Added: The dg-dashboard-code attribute is added to the kanban template, which is used to customize the insertion position of the kanban script;
  • Added: Added resource renaming function on the Kanban edit page;
  • Added: The dataSetRange specification is added to the chart plugin plugin.json, which is used to declare the limit on the number of datasets supported by the plugin;
  • Added: Added dgSortAxisData option for built-in line charts, histograms, scatter charts, and pie charts, which is used to set the axis data sorting;
  • Added: Added dgSortAxisData option for built-in radar chart, K-line chart and heat map, which is used to set axis data sorting;
  • Added: Added dgSortAxisData option for built-in pictograms, progress charts, and box plots, which is used to set the axis data sorting;
  • Fix: Fix the BUG that sometimes causes the page to freeze when clicking on the selected element in the Kanban visual editing mode;
  • Fix: Fix the bug that the kanban visual editing mode will report an error when setting the style for unrendered chart elements;
  • Fix: Fix the bug that the SQL anti-injection function does not work for some SQL situations;
  • Improvement: Support automatic decompression of ZIP files when uploading resources on the Kanban edit page;
  • Improvement: Charts without associated datasets in the Kanban display page no longer send data update requests to the server;
  • Improvement: Adjust the display/hide name button on the Kanban edit page to a more obvious right position;
  • Improvement: The chart plug-in description information panel of the chart editing page supports displaying HTML content;
  • Improvement: Refactor the data structure of the built-in horizontal histogram, pictogram, progress chart, and box plot series to be consistent with the vertical chart;
  • Improvement: add dataSetRange item to the built-in chart plug-in, and limit the chart to add at least one master data set;
  • Improvement: The built-in radar chart supports multi-line data set structure, and supplements the description information of the data set structure description;
  • Improvement: Built-in tables and charts can automatically adjust the size of the content area according to the size of the title area;
  • Improvement: Dataset preview result table supports adjusting column width;
  • Improvement: Improve the description information of date input items on the data source management data editing page;
  • Improvement: The chart support library ECharts version is upgraded from 5.3.3 to 5.4.0;

DataGear is an open source and free data visualization analysis platform, which supports free creation of any data visualization Kanban you want.

System Features:

Support runtime access to any database that provides JDBC drivers, including relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and big data engines such as Elasticsearch, ClickHouse, and Hive

Supports the creation of SQL, CSV, Excel, HTTP interface, and JSON datasets, and can be set as dynamic parameterized datasets. Dataset parameters of text boxes, drop-down boxes, date boxes, time boxes, etc. can be defined, and flexible filtering can meet different requirements. data for business needs

  • Powerful and rich data charts

Data charts can aggregate and bind multiple data sets in different formats, and easily define year-on-year and chain charts, with built-in line charts, histograms, pie charts, maps, radar charts, funnel charts, scatter charts, K-line charts, and Sankey charts 70+ out-of-the-box charts, and supports custom chart configuration items, and supports writing and uploading custom chart plug-ins

  • Free and open data dashboard

Data Kanban uses native HTML web pages as templates, supports importing any HTML web pages, supports visual design and editing of Kanban boards, and also supports free editing of Kanban source codes using JavaScript, CSS and other web front-end technologies. It has a rich built-in API and can create chart linkage , data drilling, asynchronous loading, interactive forms and other personalized data dashboards

Official website address:

Source address:



System screenshot:

chart type

Data source management

SQL data set

Kanban editor

Create Kanban

data drill

map linkage

Kanban form

real time chart

asynchronous loading

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