WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is a compatibility layer launched by Microsoft for Windows systems, which allows developers to run the GNU/Linux environment directly on Windows – including most command-line tools, utilities and applications, without modification, without Additional operations such as traditional virtual machines or dual-boot setups.

Now Microsoft has officially released the WSL 1.0 version, but the changes in this version itself are relatively small, and the updates are as follows:

  • The Preview tab has been removed and WSL is now generally available in the store.
  • Use an override in generator.early to prevent the /tmp/.X11-unix socket from being removed on startup.
  • Don’t create a pty for systemd to work around systemd timing out on startup.

PS: This is version 1.0 of WSL 2, not version 1.0 of WSL 1, Microsoft’s version number is so confusing

For more details, please check:

#Microsoft #WSL #released #News Fast Delivery

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