Free Domain With Siteground:
In this video, I’m going to show you the wordpress optimization plugin that can speed up your website by up to 90%. After watching this video, you’ll never look back and wonder how you lived without it!

WordPress is one of the most popular websites on the internet, and for good reason: it’s free and easy to use. But did you know that wordpress can slow down your website? In this video, I’m going to show you a wordpress optimization plugin that can help you speed up your website by up to 90%. After watching this video, you’ll never look back and wonder how you lived without it!
#INSTANTLY #Speed #Wordpress #Website #Plugin #Click

37 thoughts on “⚡INSTANTLY Speed Up Your WordPress Website With This Plugin (With 1 Click)⚡”

  1. I installed this plugin and did the same settings. it increased the loading speed a lot but Images are still in .png and .jpeg when I download them. Anyone knows why?

  2. Thanks for this Video, my PageSpeed insight was 42 performance and now is 100 just need to fix the accessibility again thanks you are a legend.

  3. man just thank you so much for this amazing plugin my website was 22 score performence i swear god i alosmt get heart attack when i saw it 99 :)))

  4. Thank you for this video, Darrel
    is Seraphinite Accelerator an alternative for "WP Rocket" or i have get theme both

    if not should i have it and what the good alternative semes WP Rocket not free

  5. The plugin is similar to nitropack plugin. They are doing the same thing. Loading the javascript file later that's why the score is very high. This can't be a permanent solution.

  6. thank you, i spent 60$ on wprocket and i had scores la 60-80 but my loading was 3-4(desktop) and 10 SECONDS on mobile FOR AN ECOMMERCE. now my ecomm loads instantly

  7. Thanks a lot for your tutorial, Darrel. I installed the plugin but when I uninstalled it, it completely crashed my wordpress website. For two days now, I cannot access my backend and my website domain doesn't load anymore. Any thoughts on what I can do?

  8. Hi Darrel, you have really cured my headache with this site optimization plugin. you have no ideal. My site refused to load fast after using the known plugin i am used to. But the plugin you have introduced really work magic. Thank you man.

  9. This has made me so happy. It took my speed from 53 to 84, which is fantastic. I tried 10-speed and it was a disaster. Thank you for sharing this video and this app. I would pay for this baby.

  10. The plugin is indeed impressive but certain pages on my website have been broken by its settings. I'm seeing my blog page having a crooked layout to the one I customized it with. Could you offer any suggestions to fix this problem kindly?

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