The PyTorch Foundation was established under the joint promotion of Meta (formerly Facebook), AMD, AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft, and NVIDIA.PyTorch Foundation is affiliated with The Linux Foundation, whose management board consists of representatives of the six companies mentioned above.

PyTorch is a Python machine learning library open sourced by Meta (formerly Facebook), based on Torch, for applications such as natural language processing. Over time, the PyTorch ecosystem has grown and now has about 2,400 contributors and over 150,000 projects built on the framework, making it one of the leading platforms for AI research and commercial production use.

The foundation’s mission is to foster and maintain an ecosystem of open source, vendor-neutral projects through the use of PyTorch, with the core mission of collaboratively developing open source software to drive the adoption of artificial intelligence and deep learning tools.

To learn more about the newly formed PyTorch Foundation, check out the Meta announcement, or PyTorch Foundationofficial website.

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