Founded in 2017 by Dan Wendlandt and Thomas Graf, Isovalent is headquartered in Cupertino (USA) and Zurich (Switzerland), and its clients include Adobe, Google, Amazon, IKEA, and more.

The name Isovalent may be unfamiliar to some people, but when it comes to Cilium and eBPF, it is impossible for people in the circle to not know them. Isovalent, the leading manufacturer behind these two open source technology solutions, recently announced that it has completed a $40 million B round of financing.

The financing was led by Thomvest Ventures, with participation from M12 (Microsoft’s venture fund) and Grafana Labs, who joined Google and Cisco as strategic investors in the company.

eBPF is a powerful but complex Linux kernel feature maintained by Isovalent and Meta. eBPF enables developers to build efficient and scalable networking, security, and load balancing in the Linux kernel, and also allows developers to inject efficient observability into the connectivity and security layers. eBPF enables goals that cannot be achieved using traditional networking and security techniques or traditional user-space agents, and eBPF operates at the Linux layer, independent of the underlying hardware or hypervisor.

Cilium is also a thriving open source community with over 20,000 commits from 463 contributors, over 12.8k Stars on GitHub, and last year Isovalent donated Cilium to CNCF, which further cements Cilium as a Kubernetes The status of the community de facto standard.

With this financing, Isovalent will continue to build amazing technologies that enable the eBPF and Cilium open source communities to thrive, and help businesses, telcos, governments and other organizations overcome critical challenges. The financing will also help Isovalent rapidly expand its team to approximately 100 employees.

Isovalent co-founder and CEO Dan Wendlandt said:

Isovalent’s revenue has grown approximately 3x in each of the past two years, and growth will continue to accelerate at a similar rate in 2022. Despite difficult external economic conditions, strong business growth will only strengthen our belief. Thank you to our team members, our community, our customers, and everyone who bet on our vision.

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