Vena programming language 1.0.1 has been released.

Vena 1.0.1

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The first rolling update of Vena 1.0LTS

What’s new in this update

  • Added interactive running mode, which can support interaction from zero/specified file. Link Enter image description

  • Added automatic instantiation of objects with the same name, reducing the number of lines of code

  • A new losuh header file generator is added, which can automatically bind LNI interface functions by scanning the compiled Vena library files. What is LNI

  • Updated compiler algorithm, native support#,@,+Three key symbols can be replaced with each other, and support C (Standard Vena)/Python (Hetu Vena) two styles of source code.

+加载 开始
+导入 设备/灯
+方法 开始()

#加载 开始
#导入 设备/灯
#方法 开始()

Except for the syntax style, the two kinds of Vena codes have no difference and are compatible with each other.

In fact, Hetu Vena’s compiler formats the code into standard Vena before compiling

Issues fixed/changed in this update

  • For easier understanding, the interpreter reports an error缺少csipbe permanently removed, depending on the circumstances缺少加载点or找不到指定文件to replace.

updated binary package

  • Compiled executable package for Windows-x86 platforms
  • Compiled executable package for Windows-x64 platform

incompatible update

Demo display

More demos and information can be obtained in the warehouse, or join the exchange group to ask

Attachment description

LPK_1.0.1_src.tar      源码tar包    适合Windows-x86的免编译二进制文件压缩包    适合Windows-x64的免编译二进制压缩包

For details, see:

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