About Hyperledger Hyperledger

The Hyperledger Foundation aims to promote the global community to develop enterprise-level blockchain software and deploy solutions of various Hyperledger technologies, such as solutions for commerce, currency, communication, identity authentication, etc., to solve various challenges of the industry.

At the Consensus 2022 conference, the Hyperledger Foundation welcomed seven new members including Avast, Corsha, Infosys, NextGenTek Consulting, The Digital Dollar Project, and Morgan State University’s National FinTech Center.

Hyperledger is a collaborative open source project of the Linux Foundation that aims to advance cross-industry blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology development faces challenges

In the context of the raging new crown epidemic and the global economy falling into recession, the development of the digital economy has become the greatest certainty to deal with uncertainty. The core of the digital economy lies in data, and blockchain is the key technology to ensure the credible flow of data.

The source of the picture comes from Industry and Information Security

Opportunities and challenges coexist in the development of the blockchain industry. There is an urgent need to strengthen the integration of independent technology research and industry applications in China. At the same time, blockchain technology is moving from being usable to being usable, showing development trends such as cloud-chain integration and integration of software and hardware. At present, the blockchain industry is accelerating, and the number of blockchain companies is increasing year by year. In order to let enterprises and developers understand the latest development trend and characteristics of blockchain technology, Hyperledger, the Trusted Blockchain Promotion Program and OSTech held a 2022 International Open Source Festival – Hyperledger Blockchain Technology Summit.

Hyperledger Blockchain Technology Summit

Today’s society is in the process of digital transformation and upgrading. How to confirm and transfer data is a topic of common concern to the whole society. Almost all enterprises are affected by artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing and other technologies; Web 3, Metaverse, digital collections, etc. It is a “hot” technology vocabulary in the current technology industry, and it is also a topic that is most concerned by the current technology circles. What role does blockchain play in the process of digital transformation, and what role does it play in the new generation of Internet – Web3?

2022 International Open Source Festival-Hyperledger Blockchain Technology Summit will discuss NFT applications such as blockchain and the Metaverse, NFT platforms/solutions of alliance chains, digital collections, and blockchain application practices (eg blockchain government affairs, blockchain finance, supply chain finance), blockchain technology exploration (eg blockchain interoperability, digital identity), blockchain technology integration (eg blockchain and AI, blockchain and cloud native, blockchain and IoT), Industrial blockchain, data identification and confirmation, multi-party privacy computing, blockchain and multi-party data flow, etc. as the core content, from the perspective of enterprise technology leaders to interpret the current status and trends of blockchain technology, practitioners need to pay attention to research findings and the impact of cutting-edge technologies on the industry.

2022 International Open Source Festival – Hyperledger Blockchain Technology Summit

time:September 17, 2022 morning

Place:Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (Futian)

ways of registration:Canread the originalSign up in the applet

At that time, experts and enterprises from China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, China Construction Bank CCB Financial Technology, China Mobile, Peking University, Beijing Red Date Technology, H3C, Huawei Cloud, Shanghai Wanglian Information Technology, Shenzhen Qirui Information Technology and other industry experts and enterprises Managers gathered together to focus on Web3.0, NFT, blockchain application, practice, and integration, gain insight into the decentralization of Web 3.0, explore the path of compliant NFT, and focus on blockchain in data banks, digital asset platforms, digital finance, Keynote speeches and round-table discussions on rural revitalization and the national dual-carbon strategy.

cooperation method

Exhibitor contact: Tony, 13713437040 (WeChat synchronization); Friday, 17612060999 (WeChat synchronization);

Media Contact: Cindy, 13553827402 (WeChat synchronization); Katharine, 13512772116 (WeChat synchronization);

media exposure

The 2022 International Open Source Festival will unite major domestic and foreign mainstream media with omni-channel and multi-language communication, directly attack the online metaverse, speak for brands, build corporate and brand influence, enhance corporate and brand value, and promote cutting-edge innovative technologies to subvert the status quo. A sustainable future provides a steady stream of power.

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