ravynOS is a new open source operating system project (formerly airyxOS), built on FreeBSD, with the goal of providing a macOS-like experience on x86-64 devices, as well as partial compatibility with macOS.

ravynOS design goals

  • Source code compatible with macOS applications (i.e. users can compile a Mac application on ravynOS and run it)
  • macOS-like GUI and familiar user experience (file manager, application launcher, top menu bar showing open applications, etc.)
  • Compatible with macOS folder layouts (/Library, /System, /Users, /Volumes, etc), folder systems (HFS+, APFS), and full support for ZFS
  • Provide Self-contained applications in App Bundles, AppDirs, and AppImage files
  • Maintain compatibility with FreeBSD base system and X11, build standard Unix environment
  • Compatible with Linux binaries via FreeBSD’s Linux support
  • Compatible with x86-64/arm64 macOS binaries (Mach-O) and libraries
  • Easy to use, safe, stable and good performance

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ravynOS Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – macOS-like open source operating system – News Fast Delivery

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