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The microservice architecture advocates dividing a single application into a set of small services, and the services coordinate and cooperate with each other to form distributed calls to provide users with final value. Therefore, whether it is an entrepreneurial company or an Internet unicorn enterprise, the microservice architecture is regarded as a sharp blade, which can solve all the problems encountered in the development of the project. There are many open source technologies that can support the microservice architecture. Is service architecture really easy?

In this issue of News Fast Delivery’s Master Q&A (August 24-August 31), we invited Mr. Pan Zhiwei to discuss issues related to microservice architecture with you.

Issues that can be discussed include, but are not limited to:

  • Microservice framework selection
  • Service splitting and engineering division
  • Microservice pattern development
  • Process issues with implementing a microservices architecture
  • Advanced Microservice Optimization
  • Middle Taiwan Architecture Design

Or other related questions about microservice architecture, middle platform, service testing, continuous integration, etc., you are also welcome to ask questions!

Guest introduction

Pan Zhiwei, technical director of a technology company.
Alibaba Cloud MVP, QCon speaker, with more than ten years of experience in software architecture design, good at distributed microservice architecture design and mid-stage planning, currently leading the R&D team, responsible for system analysis, architecture design, implementation, evolution, team management and training Have unique team building and management experience.

In order to encourage active questioning, Bowen Viewpoint will select 5 lucky members from the questioners after the question and answer as a gift to the book “Architecture Evolution in Practice: From Monolithic to Microservices to Zhongtai”.

Book purchase address:

OSChina expert Q&A has a consistent style, and any discussions and trolls that are not related to the topic are not welcome.

Below, you are welcome to ask Mr. Pan Zhiwei questions about the microservice architecture. Please reply directly to the question.

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Expert Q&A Issue 291 – How to Transform Enterprise Applications from Monolithic to Microservice Architecture – News Fast Delivery

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