CXYGZL isLow-code open source out-of-the-box workflow engine, any ordinary user can get started directly.

The current open-source workflow engines are basically based on BPMN.js, which leads to a high threshold for use and cannot be controlled by non-professionals. This workflow draws on the DingTalk/Flying Book method to lower the threshold for users to use it in a low-code way. Even ordinary enterprise users can build their own workflow engine in a few minutes.


Create a set of convenient and powerful workflow engine with professionalism!

Technology Architecture

Front end: Vue2+ElementUI+Axios

Backend: SpringBoot2.7.6 (jdk8)+Mysql8+MybatisPlus+Flowable6.8.0+Hutool+SaToken+Beetl


1. Organizational management

  1. User Management
  2. department management
  3. 用户属性管理(专业版)

2. Process management

  1. Process group management
  2. process management
    1. basic information
    2. form information
    3. process information
    4. other configuration
  3. my process
    1. Initiate process
    2. Upcoming Tasks
    3. I initiated
    4. CC me
    5. Completed tasks

function display

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