Flet is a Python framework that enables you to easily build real-time web, mobile and desktop applications in your favorite language and securely share them with your team. No front-end experience required.

⚡From idea to application in minutes

Internal tools or dashboards for teams, weekend projects, data entry forms, kiosk applications or high-fidelity prototypes – Flet is the ideal framework for quickly hacking beautiful interactive applications to serve a group of users.

????Simple Architecture

No more complex architecture including JavaScript frontend, REST API backend, database, cache, etc. With Flet, you simply write a monolithic stateful application in Python and get a multi-user real-time Single Page Application (SPA).

Depend onFlutterprovide power

Flet UI is used Flutter built so your apps look professional and can be delivered to any platform. Flet simplifies the Flutter model by combining smaller “widgets” with a ready-to-use programming model.

???? Delivery to any device

Deploy the Flet application as a web application and view it in a browser. Package it as a standalone desktop application for Windows, macOS and Linux.use it asPWAsInstall on a mobile device, or view through the Flet app for iOS and Android.

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