GitHub announced that it will stop supporting Subversion (SVN) on January 8, 2024, and the updated GitHub Enterprise Server released at the same time will also implement the change.

On April 1, 2010, GitHub announced support for Subversion-this matter was once regarded as an April Fool’s joke by everyone. At that time, the centralized version control system was the mainstream, and SVN had been born for more than 10 years, while the distributed version control system Git was a relatively new role. No one could have predicted that distributed version control systems would eventually rule the world, let alone that Git would dominate it.

So, by natively supporting SVN on the GitHub backend, GitHub is making it easier for customers to migrate to Git while changing their workflow in incremental ways.

Now, Git is used by 94% of the developer community, while SVN has fewer and fewer users. Traffic data provided by GitHub shows that less than 0.02% of requests made to the Git backend come from SVN, and only about 5,000 repositories see one SVN request per month. Clearly, continuing to support SVN no longer helps users migrate to Git.

correct,Gitee currently still supports SVN.

#GitHub #stop #supporting #Subversion #year

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