Technology recruitment platforms CodinGame and CoderPad recently released a 2023 technology industry recruitment report, based on a survey of 14,000 professionals, an in-depth analysis of the situation that recruiters and job seekers in the technology industry may face in 2023. Some of the key highlights include:

  • 59% of developers do not have a college degree in computer science,Nearly one-third of developers consider themselves primarily self-taught.
  • Most tech teams are now a mix of remote and on-site work, with only 15% of developers working 100% on-site.
  • Despite the headlines of layoffs, developers feel secure in their jobs: 33% said they felt more secure, and 41% said they didn’t feel a major change.
  • 1 in 2 developers are considering changing jobs within the next year.

The report states that, as in previous years, programming languages ​​JavaScript, Java and Python remain the most in-demand skills; and for the most part, demand and supply for the three most popular languages ​​are consistent between developers and recruiters of. Demand for TypeScript, Swift, Scala, Kotlin, and Go skills all outstrip supply.

Node.js, React, .NETCore are some of the most well-known and in-demand frameworks. Angular is in short supply, and the framework has waned in popularity among developers. In 2021, 17% of respondents said they understood Angular 2+, this year this percentage has dropped to 12.3%.

The top three skills developers want to learn in 2023 are web development, AI/machine learning, and game development. Meanwhile, the top three skills recruiters are looking for are web development, DevOps and database software development. These trends are largely the same as in previous years. AI/Machine Learning popularity among developers drops slightly from 30% in 2022 to 24% in 2023.

The most in-demand roles for recruiters in 2023 are:

  • Back-end developers (55.04%)
  • Full Stack Developer (54.33%)
  • Application developers (45.12%)

But they also say full-stack and back-end developers are the hardest jobs to hire in 2023 due to talent shortages.

DevOps engineer, while still in demand, has fallen from No. 3 to No. 5 as the most popular job title last year. However, DevOps remains highly regarded as a skill set, ranking second only to web development. The reason for this shift, according to the report, is that enterprises are maturing in their adoption of DevOps and SRE and are beginning to see them as applied principles within technology teams rather than specialist roles.

The report concluded by saying:

  • Computer science degrees are no longer common among developers.To fill vacant positions, companies should rely onSkills assessment and coding interviewto measure technical talent.
  • Tech hiring remains competitive. More than 1 in 2 developers are considering job hopping,Salary is the most important motivator.
  • Developers should consider obtainingBackend and full stackexperience to boost their job prospects, as these roles are in greatest demand.
  • Both businesses and developers areaccept freelance work. This is a trend worth watching.

More details can be found in the full report.

#indemand #programming #languages #Python #JavaScript #Java

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