On January 13, 2023, the 2022 OSC China Open Source Project Selection – “2022 China Open Source Community Health Cases” award-winning community was officially announced!

“2022 OSC China Open Source Project Selection” is an event sponsored by News Fast Delivery (Open Source China), a leading Chinese open source technology community in China. Ecologically perfect.

openKylin (Open Kylin), as the root community of the Chinese desktop operating system, relies onCommunity technology iteration, organizational structure, membership, open source governance, upstream and downstream collaboration, community ecology, commercializationDiversity, management, and operational capabilities, etc., were selected as “2022 China Open Source Community Health Cases”.

Committed to promoting the construction of open source communities, since openKylin was established in June 2022, it has received widespread attention from the society, attracting a large number of companies, organizations and developers to join, quickly gathering the backbone of the industry, and jointly promoting operating system technology innovation and ecological co-construction .Up to now, members of openKylin community units have broken through140Home, the number of community users exceeds 260,000, and community contributors are nearly2000people, and established57A community SIG group conducts various technical research and innovation.

This award is not only the honor of the openKylin community, but also the common honor of all community members. It is the result of everyone’s joint efforts and promotes the vigorous development of the openKylin community. In the future, the openKylin community will also maintain its original intention and continue to work hard to build a good open source ecological development.

The openKylin (Open Kylin) community aims to take “co-creation” as the core, on the basis of open source, voluntariness, equality, and collaboration, to build a partner ecosystem with enterprises in an open source and open way, and to jointly create a top-level desktop operating system community. Promote the prosperity and development of Linux open source technology and its software and hardware ecology.

The first batch of council member units in the community include Kylin Software, Puhua Basic Software, Zhongke Fangde, Kylin Principal, Meditation Software, Yiming Software, ZTE New Fulcrum, Yuanxin Technology, China Electronics 32, Jide System, Beijing Lin Zhuo, Advanced Operating System Innovation Center and other 13 industry colleagues and industry organizations.

Source: openKylin

Review: openKylin

#openKylin #selected #OSC #China #Open #Source #Community #Health #Case #News Fast Delivery

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