
Here’s HOW TO TURN ON our inclusive language analysis on your #WordPress site! 🌟

If you want to utilize our inclusive language analysis on Yoast SEO, you need to turn it on first! In this video, we show you quickly how its done on the WordPress backend! #YoastSEO #InclusiveLanguage #SearchEngineOptimization #Heres #TURN #inclusive #language #analysis #WordPress #site

Here’s HOW TO TURN ON our inclusive language analysis on your #WordPress site! 🌟 Read More »

Vertical large language model TechGPT-7B

TechGPT is a vertical domain large language model released by the “Knowledge Graph Research Group of Northeastern University”. The 7B version that has been fully fine-tuned has been open sourced. Demo: TechGPT-neukg TechGPT mainly strengthens the following three types of tasks: various information extraction tasks such as relational triples extraction with “knowledge graph construction” as

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An open platform for operating large language models, OpenLLM

OpenLLM is a production-grade open platform for manipulating large language models (LLMs). Supports convenient Fine-tune fine-tuning, Serve model service, deployment and monitoring of any LLM. With OpenLLM, run inference using any open source large language model, deploy to the cloud or on-premises, and build powerful AI applications. OpenLLM features include: Advanced LLM: Built-in support for

An open platform for operating large language models, OpenLLM Read More »

ChatGLM2-6B Homepage, Documentation and Download- Open Source Bilingual Dialogue Language Model- News Fast Delivery

ChatGLM2-6B is an open source Chinese-English bilingual dialogue model ChatGLM-6B The second-generation version of ChatGLM, on the basis of retaining many excellent features of the first-generation model, such as smooth dialogue and low deployment threshold, ChatGLM2-6B introduces the following new features: more powerful performance: Based on the development experience of the first generation model of

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FinGPT Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Large Pre-trained Language Models in the Financial Field – News Fast Delivery

FinGPT is a large-scale pre-trained language model in the financial field. It can understand and generate financial news, analyze public sentiment on social media, interpret financial reports such as annual reports, quarterly earnings reports, etc., make market forecasts, and provide personalized investment advice by learning users’ personal preferences. The training data for FinGPT comes from

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Make large language models safe and reliable LangKit

LangKit is an open source text metrics toolkit for monitoring language models. It provides a set of methods for extracting relevant signals from input and/or output text, which are compatible with the open source datalogging library whylogs. Currently supported metrics include: Text Quality Readability Score Complexity and Grade Score Text Relevance Similarity Score Between Prompts/Responses

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Large language model text generation reasoning Text Generation Inference

Rust, Python, and gRPC servers for text generation inference. Used in production by HuggingFace to power LLM’s api inference widget. Features: Serve the most popular large-scale language models using a simple launcher Tensor Parallelism for faster inference on multiple GPUs Continuously batch incoming requests using token streaming of Server-Sent Events (SSE) to improve overall performance

Large language model text generation reasoning Text Generation Inference Read More »

Lit-Parrot Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – A Hackable Implementation of Large Language Models – News Fast Delivery

Lit-Parrot is an implementation of the nanoGPT-based StableLM/Pythia/INCITE language model. Supports flash attention, LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, and pre-training. Hackable implementations of state-of-the-art open source large language models: This implementation is based onLit-LLaMAandnanoGPT, powered byLightning Fabricprovide support. The weights can be downloaded as follows: Design Principles This repository follows openness through clarity main principles. Lit-Parrot yes:

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fe Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – An Embeddable Language Implemented in ANSI C – News Fast Delivery

A tiny, embeddable language implemented in ANSI C (= reverse (fn (lst) (let res nil) (while lst (= res (cons (car lst) res)) (= lst (cdr lst)) ) res )) (= animals ‘(“cat” “dog” “fox”)) (print (reverse animals)) ; => (“fox” “dog” “cat”) overview Support numbers, symbols, strings, lambdas, macros Lexically scoped variables, closures Use

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YuLan-Chat Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Large Language Dialogue Model Fine-tuned Based on Mixed Chinese and English Instructions – News Fast Delivery

YuLan-Chat is a large language dialogue model fine-tuned based on high-quality Chinese-English mixed instructions. YuLan-Chat uses LLaMA as the base, fine-tuned with well-optimized high-quality Chinese-English mixed instructions. Among them, the YuLan-Chat-65B model can significantly surpass the performance of existing open source models on Chinese and English related evaluation data sets. The team said that it

YuLan-Chat Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Large Language Dialogue Model Fine-tuned Based on Mixed Chinese and English Instructions – News Fast Delivery Read More »

Multilingual and multitasking large language model TigerBot

TigerBot is a multilingual and multitask large-scale language model (LLM). According to the automatic evaluation of the OpenAI InstructGPT paper on the public NLP dataset, TigerBot-7B achieves 96% of the comprehensive performance of the OpenAI model of the same size. Currently open source: Model: TigerBot-7B, TigerBot-7B-base, TigerBot-180B (research version), Code: Basic training and reasoning code,

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