FreeBSD 12.4 has been officially released, the fifth release of the FreeBSD 12 stable branch.

FreeBSD 12.4 currently supports amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, powerpcspe, armv6, armv7, aarch64 and riscv64 architectures.

Important changes in the new version:

  • ena(4) kernel driver upgrade to 2.6.1
  • if_epair(4) driver now supports using multiple cores to handle traffic for improved performance
  • The unbound(8) program has been upgraded to 1.16.3
  • The telnetd(8) daemon has been deprecated
  • The tcpdump(1) program now supports the user setting a number on the rules that will be exposed as part of the pflog header.
  • OpenSSL has been upgraded to 1.1.1q
  • OpenSSH has been upgraded to 9.1p1
  • The LLVM toolchain suite has been upgraded to 13.0.0
  • The dma(8) program has been upgraded to snapshot 2022-01-27
  • The file(1) program has been upgraded to 5.43
  • The libarchive(3) library has been upgraded to 3.6.0

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