On this episode of WP Builds Webinars, we dive into how WonderSuite can kickstart your WordPress project. Chris Miles explores what WonderSuite is, and we focus upon how WonderStart can be a real time saver when beginning a new website project.

About Chris:
Chris Miles is a hosting expert and website planner who understands the frustrations many people face when they sign up for hosting plans or website plans. He knows that individuals often have high expectations and anticipate an easy and straightforward process, similar to creating a Video teaching page. However, the reality of working with platforms like WordPress can sometimes be overwhelming. As a dedicated professional, Chris aims to bridge the gap between expectations and reality by ensuring that his clients have a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Show notes:
In today’s episode, we are joined by Chris Miles from Bluehost, who will be discussing WonderSuite – a solution for simplifying website setup in WordPress.

WonderSuite tries to take the guesswork out of building websites by leveraging AI and providing users with pre-designed templates tailored to their chosen category. Whether you’re creating a website for government and politics, e-commerce, or any other niche, WonderSuite will generate a design for you, and curate relevant content and images for you as a starting point.

WonderSuite allows users to customise their websites, enabling them to select colours, fonts, and layouts that align with their brand. It’s all done at the outset, before you even get into WordPress.

During our conversation, Chris gets into the intricacies of WonderStart, explaining how it can assist end-users in creating websites without any technical expertise. He will also explore the possibilities for freelancers and agencies to use WonderSuite and potentially sell it to clients.

We learn about the different tools within WonderSuite, such as WonderStart for onboarding, WonderBlocks for site editing, WonderHelp for AI assistance, and WonderCart for your e-commerce needs. This suite of tools aims to revolutionise the WordPress landscape and address the challenges of high churn rates, which is a real issue for hosting companies.

So, join us as we learn about WonderSuite with Chris Miles from Bluehost. Get ready to discover how it can speed up your website creation process and streamline your workflow.

Stay tuned for Episode 2 of our webinar series with Jocelyn Hendrickson, right here on WP Builds Webinars!

Timestamps for what we talk about:
[01:03] Webinar series with WonderSuite, Bluehost, AI for WordPress.
[05:25] WonderStart, Wonder Blocks, Wonder Help, Wonder Cart.
[08:25] Easy website creation for end users, reselling possible.
[11:39] Never repeat questions; immediate payoff for asking.
[15:29] Reduce repetitive Learning course handle input for plugins.
[17:56] Content tailored to category, no imagination required.
[22:13] Question: Are the website designs created by AI or templates?
Other person asked: Whilst you fix fonts, can I ask another question? If I use same inputs, will my website look like that? AI or template driven? Hero with text and images layout.
[24:27] Launch website, mostly complete, some gaps remain.
[26:48] Homepage with different copy, Yoast SEO, coming soon page.
[30:39] Steps, launch site, plan differences, WordPress hosting.
[33:05] Black Friday: 75% off hosting and products.
[38:00] Yoast, Bluehost, and Githemes are now one company. They offer popular WooCommerce extensions for free.
[42:32] No extra licenses, core blocks used.
[44:35] Researching successful websites for replication and improvement.
[47:20] Gutenberg simplifies page creation with WonderSuite.
[49:57] Busy with WordPress, but grateful. Until next time.
#WonderSuite #Series #Simplifying #setup #WordPress #users

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