Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.

Deno 1.28 has been released, notable updates include:


Deno 1.28 stabilizes npm compatibility, which means you can now import over 1.3 million npm modules in Deno. Building applications will be easier and more secure than ever, and now you can use your favorite persistent data modules like Prisma, Mongoose, and MySQL, as well as front-end frameworks like React, Vue, and more.

With Deno, using npm is easier and safer. Deno’s built-in toolchain, std libraries, and strong IDE support mean you can be productive faster. Deno’s secure-by-default, opt-in permissions model means less time worrying about suspicious packages and more time delivering products.

Automatic discovery of lock files

Deno has supported lock files since v1.0. However, the experience of using lock files needs to be improved. Previously, users always needed to provide --lock=<filename> Flag to use a lock file. Deno realizes that this situation results in many users not using lockfiles at all.

Starting from Deno v1.28, if a configuration file is found ( deno.json(c) ), the lock file will be found and used automatically. In this case, a lock file will be automatically created next to the configuration file (if it doesn’t already exist) with the name deno.lock. If new dependencies become part of the module graph, this lockfile will be automatically and complementary updated.

therefore, --lock-write The behavior of the flag has been extended in this auto-discovery case, it is no longer necessary to pass this flag to update the lockfile, it can now be used to force a lockfile to be generated from scratch.

If you wish to disable automatic discovery of lock files, you can use --no-lock sign.

Modifications to the Deno API


In this release, the following APIs have been stabilized and no longer need to be used --unstable logo:

  • Deno.bench()
  • Deno. gid()
  • Deno. networkInterfaces()
  • Deno. systemMemoryInfo()
  • Deno.uid()

New Unstable API

This release adds a new unified Deno.Command API to replace the unstable Deno.spoon, Deno.spoonSync and Deno.sponChild APIs.

V8 10.9

This version was upgraded to the latest version of V8 (10.9, formerly 10.8). These are mostly internal improvements, but also include some public-facing API changes.

  • Symbols as WeakMap keys
  • unship array grouping (proposed)

Rewrite the manual

As Deno evolves, so does the manual. We kept adding things here and there; over time this caused it to become a bit untidy. In this release, we’ve completely refactored the manual to make it simpler and more organized. We’ve even added an entire section dedicated to using npm.

More details can be viewed at:

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