After the release of TDengine 3.0, due to relatively large changes, the support process is relatively difficult, but fortunately, everything is settled now.

update content:

  1. Supported TDengine (test client and mirror are this version)
  2. Rewrote part of the code, especially the processing of TaosParameter
  3. Modified how the @ character is replaced when parameterizing.Please pay attention to the details #233

Destructive modification:

  1. Mainly for the parameterization part, now there is a new definition, the @ symbol is a common parameter, and the $ symbol identifies the tags parameter. In addition, the subtable name needs to be set through the SubTableName of TaosParameterCollection. No setting is required if tags are not applicable.

how to use?

dotnet add package IoTSharp.Data.Taos --version 3.0.14

IoTSharp.Data.Taos has the following features:

1. Perfect support for parameterization.

2. Support .Net Framework 4.6, .Net Standard 2.0 and .Net 5.0, .Net 6.0

3. Support Schemaless etc. through ExecuteBulkInsert of TaosConnection.

4. Support the basic storage and query of EF Core through IoTSharp.EntityFrameworkCore.Taos

5. Support Asp.Net health check mechanism through IoTSharp.HealthChecks.Taos.

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