Fresh 1.1 stable version has been released, the new version contains many important improvements to make Fresh easier to use, faster, and more useful.

Fresh is Deno’s new full-stack web framework. By default, web pages built with Fresh do not send JavaScript to the client. The framework has no build steps and can reduce deployment time by an order of magnitude.

Fresh uses a different model: by default, developers send 0 KB of JS to the client. Because most rendering is done on the server, the client is only responsible for re-rendering small interactive modules. This is a model where the developer explicitly chooses the client to render a specific component.Back in 2020, Jason Miller in his This model is described in the Islands Architecture blog post.

The core of Fresh isCombination of routing framework and template engine, which supports on-demand rendering of pages on the server. In addition to just-in-time (JIT) rendering provided in the server, Fresh also provides an interface for rendering certain components seamlessly on the client for maximum interactivity. The framework uses Preact and JSX(or TSX) for rendering and templating on the server and client. Client-side rendering is completely optional at the per-component level, so many applications don’t send any JavaScript to the client at all.

Since Fresh has no build steps, the code written by the developer is directly the code that runs on the server and client. Any necessary conversions from TypeScript or JSX to plain JavaScript are done on the fly, when needed. This allows for very fast iteration cycles with just-in-time deployments.

Because Fresh relies heavily on dynamic server-side rendering, it has to be fast. Fresh is ideal for running in edge runtime scenarios like Deno Deploy, Netlify Edge Functions or Supabase Edge Functions. Since the rendering process is physically very close to the user, network latency is minimized.

Fresh Highlight Features

  • No build step
  • Zero configuration
  • Edge JIT rendering
  • Lightweight and fast (framework does not require client-side JS)
  • Single component supports optional client Hydration
  • Highly adaptable due to progressive enhancement and use of native browser features
  • TypeScript out of the box
  • File system routing using Next.js

Fresh 1.1 update highlights:

See the release announcement for details.

#Fresh #officially #released #Deno #fullstack #web #framework #News Fast Delivery

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