The KorGE game engine is an open source modern game engine created in Kotlin, small and easy to use for desktop, web and mobile devices.

KorGE is fully asynchronous and great for the web, a small demo of KorGE can be viewed here:


KorGE builds with intelliJ as IDE + Gradle, you can see how to set up the environment here.


  • The JVM Desktop and Android can be targeted using Kotlin/JVM.
  • With JavaScript, iOS/Android as well as Web and PWA applications can be built using Apache Cordova.
  • Using Kotlin/Native, you can generate native Windows, Linux, and macOS executables, as well as native iOS applications.


  • Visual editor: KorGE provides a powerful editor embedded in the IntelliJ IDE
  • Bundled Support: Easily add source code and resources via GitHub
  • Debugger: Debug your game in real time
  • 100% Kotlin: KorGE is completely written in Kotlin with a modern and simple coding style
  • Truly native multi-platform: KorGE gradle plugin adapts to multiple platforms: JVM for Android, JS for web, and native code for iOS and desktop.
  • Full productivity: Because KorGE targets the JVM, you can use IntelliJ IDEA to develop, try, debug, and test games.
  • Small size: KorGE is very small. It has no external dependencies and just uses the libraries for each platform.

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KorGE Homepage, Documentation and Downloads – Kotlin Multiplatform Game Engine – News Fast Delivery

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