Slint is a comprehensive toolkit for building native GUIs for desktop and embedded devices, implemented in Rust.

Using Slint, you can createVarious operating systems and processor architecturesDevelop UI:

  • Linux (desktop and embedded), macOS, Windows, WebAssembly, Blackberry QNX, even bare metal (without any operating system)
  • ARM Cortex-M and Cortex-A, Intel x86, RISC-V, Cadence Tensilica, etc.
  • Software-rendered or hardware-accelerated graphics APIs such as OpenGL ES.

view in browser DEMO (via WebAssembly)

Slint Supports multiple programming languagessuch as Rust, C++, and JavaScript.


Graphical applications built with Slint can run on systems with less than 300 kB of memory, such as the Raspberry Pi Pico with 264kB of internal RAM and an ARM Cortex-M0+ processor. This makes Slint ideal for developing application UIs for embedded devices.

declarative programming

The Slint development team built it with scalability, inclusiveness, tooling, and cross-platform compatibility in mind, so Slint is fully cross-platform and uses declarative programming to simplify UI development:

  • The UI is described in a declarative language, using a syntax that provides a broad way to describe various graphical elements while being easy to read, write, and learn.
  • The Slint compiler optimizes and translates UI descriptions into native code
  • Business logic that can be written in any language and then interfaced with its UI using language-specific APIs provided by Slint

the following Slint Obligatory “Hello World”:

export component HelloWorld inherits Window {
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;

    Text {
       y: parent.width / 2;
       x: parent.x + 200px;
       text: "Hello, world";
       color: blue;


To speed up the UI development process, Slint provides tool support for code completion, navigation, refactoring, and syntax highlighting. As you develop and refine your UI, Slint’s live preview shows changes in real time to provide instant feedback.

Visual Studio Code, you can install the Slint extension directly from the VS Code marketplace. It works with VS Code for macOS, Linux, and Windows, and VS Code for the web.For integration into other IDEs via the language server protocol, see README description in .

can also use SlintPad Try Slint in your web browser (SlintPad isAn online editor with live preview).

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