You Yuxi, the author of Vue, recently published an article reviewing Vue’s 2022 and looking forward to the development of the project in 2023.

In February 2022, the default version of Vue switched to 3.x; the latest stable version is Vue 3.2.45 released in November. According to You Yuxi, this shift marks the readiness of all official parts of the v3 framework, including major revisions to the documentation that provides the latest best practice guidelines. However, it is still in the transition period of the ecosystem migrating to Vue 3. So after the switch, the development team is more focused on improving Vue’s developer experience by investing in tools; including actively participating in the development of Vite, making major improvements to Vue’s IDE and TypeScript support through the release of Volar 1.0, etc.

NPM usage of Vue 3 grew during 2022, data showsnearly 200%. In terms of community, the Vue 3 ecosystem has also matured. Both Nuxt 3 and Vuetify 3 will reach a stable state in November 2022, and NativeScript for Vue 3 recently launched a beta version. But due to the cost of migrating, many users are still stuck on Vue 2. Therefore, the Vue team decided to move the source code of Vue 2 to TypeScript and back-ported some of the most important Vue 3 features in Vue 2.7; as well as ensuring that Vite, Vue Devtools, and Volar all support both Vue 2 and Vue 3.

With the release of the last Vue 2 minor version (2.7), You Yuxi said that it expects to launch the release of Vue 3 core features at full speed in 2023.There will also be improvements in release cadence, which Vue will follow semver; in anticipation of rolling out more features faster through smaller, more frequent minor releases in 2023.

This also means that things will be tweaked in version 3.3, the now experimental Suspense and Reactivity Transform Further discussions are still needed, “and they should not prevent the implementation of other more immediate functions”.Currently, the goal of 3.3 is to land proposed/planned features that no longer require RFC discussion, such as support for externally imported types in